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Writer's pictureMegan G. Mossgrove

Our Host: Shawn Amick

Shawn Amick, host of the Between the Pages podcast.

Author of "Cuelty of Magic" and "Dick, Stan Greene".

Lover of Pokemon, Lord of the Rings, and diet Dr. Pepper, the live chat's favorite guy to poke fun at, Shawn Amick began doing author interviews in an effort to give all writers a voice. Published, unpublished, no minimum follower count needed.

All are welcome on the Between the Pages podcast.

As well as being an indie author, Shawn has dabbled in poetry, short stories, and has written extensively for Bitcoin Magazine. In short, he's always been a writer and hopes to be a career author one day. For now, he is focused on growing a community, believing the best use of his time in the interim is to lift up and learn from others.

Shawn loves to share his insights on marketing and content creation, and often posts videos about how to make efficient, effective posts that will grab viewer's attention. He hosts word sprints on his Tik Tok live beginning at 7pm EST podcast livestream directly after.

About his work:

"Cruelty of Magic"

Shawn: "The Cruelty Of Magic" was my first novel to make it to publication that I wrote, start-to-finish, on my own. Cruelty is a high fantasy series with multiple origin stories built out with plans to be an expansive universe.

About the book: Release Date, December 1st, 2023

Impending war and doubts of prophecy initiate a complex magical journey where some mean to destroy gods and magic, while others seek understanding. Kyra is named in a prophecy calling her to the Stained Temple, where no one else has ever gone. The prophecy is met with resistance and doubt while a warlord surrounds the hidden city harboring Kyra and her people. The warlord means to end all magic by destroying the city with his army, made up of every known magic-wielding civilization on the continent. In the northern mountains, a dwarf flees to save his people, while a father and son practicing summoning magic scrape by in the sewers of a corrupt and dark city. Impending doom, religious doubt, political intrigue and tragedy haunt each step in this multiple point-of-view epic fantasy tale full of magical creatures, complex magic systems, and suspense. The Cruelty of Magic is a unique twist on familiar tropes of high fantasy, incorporating new mechanics to keep the reader guessing. Readers will struggle to find a villain in this world of moral ambiguity with shadows guiding everyone's choices.

"Dick, Stan Greene"

Shawn: My first book, "Dick, Stan Greene" was co-authored with Terry Rogere and published in November 2020. Terry approached me with Stan's world -- a world witnessing the early stages of self-sustainability -- and we went to work.

About the Book

Cover of Dick, Stan Greene

In the city of Potstow, there sleeps a direful secret dying to be let loose.

There's a new self-sustaining city growing quickly within the Rocky Mountains. The local rags dubbed it the Town Pot Built, but with all the economic growth, there lies a crushing weight on the companies that don't comply. One annexed business owner unraveling at the seams is trying to hold on to the things that truly matter, but at what cost?

Meet Stan Greene. He's a dick-or used to be. He was once a rising star among the ranks of detective in the nation's capital, now just a lowly private investigator lost in the abyss of his growing middle age, traipsing in the reveries of lost love, his constant variable inflicting within his chagrin life.

In a twisting plot lead by the lofty narrator, Stan finds himself shrouded in the mystery of a highly publicized murder. With the arrival of his new neighbors and a hopeful sidekick, Stan may very well take his newfound home by storm and become 'Potstow's best investigator.'

If you have any questions about Shawn or the podcast, feel free to pop in to the live chat on Tik Tok. We'd be more than happy to see you there!

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